Quick Update On Summer Items for the Team

Good morning all and Happy Father’s Day weekend. Lots going on in the Somerset world, so just want to shoot out a message to the team with a few updates. Quite the busy week with TT Cup, races, and Farmlands last weekend. Also, I was the Somerset representative at the Best Buddies event Wednesday night which was simply amazing up in Sloatsburg and Harriman State Park. So all are looped in, here is a run through of happenings:

Team Elections
We have a charter that includes elections in our by-laws. However, due to a general lull in overall interest in board positions and individuals to tap into, we’ve tabled these for quite some time. Now that we have quite a few new members and broad interest in activities, events, involvement, etc., we will have a full election. Since that process includes a nomination, plus people stepping forward with interest, I am going to work with Larry Dudek and putting this out on email and Facebook, and we may even have up on our web page. Timing is going to be in August after Long Valley TT and our events end and as we prep planning, sponsors and other items for 2025. Lots to do for 2025 landscape and ideas. It will be for President, Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary/Membership. Additionally, we’ll add some project/committee heads to do things such as Social Media and Sponsorship, as well as rides/training. For many years, current board has kept our fire burning and this team at the top, viable, etc, so want to put our personal thanks for that. Could not have been done without dedicated board and team members. More to follow!!

Team Rides/BBQ
Dan Dalfonso has been communicating and adding our ride schedule, along with Rick Danielson. We are also now connecting it to the web with Bob Perlee. We are having a suite of those from Duke Island tomorrow at 9AM. See his email, FB posting, etc. Also, it our plan after one of the Sunday rides (probably in July/August time frame) to utilize space at Duke Island to do a post ride BBQ. More details also on that. It’s a central point to do that, adequate space and also family and others can come, pets, etc! We now have a larger team community so getting back to together is important socially. [RIDES]

Long Valley TT
Our last event for this season sponsored on July 20 in Long Valley. If you are able to be of support that day, and haven’t let me know as yet, would appreciate the extra hands as always. We don’t need the contingent at some of our circuits. However, do need people for safety spots on crossroads, start, turnaround etc. This event wills start at 7:30 as FYI from Long Valley Middle School.

Clothing Stores
Dan is also managing a Casual clothing order and he will communicate on that for great clothes to wear pre and post race, or anytime within the lifestyle options. Order closes June 23.
Robert is managing our regular clothing order for race items etc. Of note, we added regular and tall shoe covers and Pactimo is finalizing the image. That order is slated to close June 17. If we need an extra day or 2 for all to get orders in, can do that. High demand!

We have lots of results that Bob has been posting and you have seen pictures. We actually had 17 participate in the Watts Up TT, so the competitive spirit is clearly back to being fully cemented into Somerset culture. To follow this summer will be lots of group training options, end of TT cup, crits, track and road races on NJ calendar and region, and then on to Cyclocross. Many are also doing other events, Fondos, centuries, NYS TT up by Lake Placid, etc. [RESULTS]

There is certainly more to share, but enough for now to keep everyone updated and a taste of things to come. Hope all enjoy this beautiful weekend, Father’s Day and will see you tomorrow or certainly in the near future. Want to welcome all the new members, their ideas, contributions and also, those of course from our full membership.

Push hard and Pedal Fast!!

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