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Votes are in and your new team leaders are elected!

Results for the 2024 team elections are in! Say hello to your new officers!

  • President: Dan Dalfonzo
  • Vice President: Dan Reiss
  • Secretary: Jenn Smeddy
  • Treasurer: Marc Perreault

First I’d like to thank everyone for their nomination, support and encouragement to take on the mantle of Team President. Briefly but importantly, I’d like to thank Chuck for his years of leadership and continued support. I thank Chuck, Joe, Dottie, Larry and Robert for shepherding the club these many years to the strong financial position we are in as well as the central role we play in the NJTT Cup and NJBA as a whole.

President’s Vision 2025

My vision for Team Somerset is simple: Build on our strengths and continue maximizing our value to our members, sponsors and our community.
In order to achieve this, I will rely heavily upon your elected leaders and support them by appointing a strong group of committee leaders who share or vision.

Standing committees::
Events Chair: Dan R and I will co-chair.
We share the vision to create a strong Events Committee that allows us to both support existing events and evolve based on the values of the team.

Programs Chair: TBD
The Programs Chair is key to my vision for the team. The Team Survey showed strong interest in clinics, gravel and endurance rides and more. I hope to find someone who can help coordinate a Team Calendar of select races, group rides and charity events while working with leadership to support a series of clinics.
I’d love to see this person galvanize the weight of the team to perhaps build a fundraising campaign to support local charities and coordinate the team to help bring us together for several key charity rides both locally and perhaps abroad.

Sponsorship Chair: Rick Danielsen.
Looking up and down this Executive Committee, you will see that every member joined the team in large part thanks to Rick. He has the best interest of the team in mind and has always played a key role in our vision and direction. I’m happy to place team sponsorship into his hands, where he will continue to work with leadership to ensure the shape of our future.

Socials/Promotion Chair: Brian Finnegan, Vice Chair: Jenn Smeddy
Having gained thousands of views on his YouTube channel, Brian will be an excellent Chairperson of our socials.
Jenn will also be heavily involved in our socials and promotion. As a published writer and admin of the NJ ADVENTURERS Facebook group, she maintains a membership of over 4000, keeping the conversation going and members engaged.
Together, Brian and Jenn will coordinate a strong socials presence that maximizes our value to our sponsors and which we can leverage to continue to grow interest in our races and New Jersey bike racing as a whole.

Clothing Chair: Robert Kowal
has done an excellent job of coordinating team kit over the years and has graciously agreed to continue his role.

Special committees::
Head of Performance: Rick D
As our longtime go-to for all things coaching, fit, bike-nerdary and performance, I’m super excited to announce Rick as our Head of Performance. Lots of exciting news coming!

Thank you everyone!
Dan Dalfonzo
Team Somerset President-elect

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